8 Steps to a Secure Home ~ Your Useful Reference

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8 Steps to a Secure Home

Burglary is something that all homeowners should be concerned with. Every 8 seconds, another burglary is committed according to authorities. While installing a home security system is your best option, there are some very simple steps that you can take to make sure that your home is not an appetizing target for the criminal element. There are a few things to remember, though. First, most burglaries occur during the day. This is when the flow of traffic is at the lowest. Most people are at work during the day and the children are at school. This is the most opportune time for a criminal to decide to enter your home. Second, these steps should be followed even by those with home security systems.

#1 Remove Papers and Mail: Most burglaries occur when a home is unoccupied, like when the family is on vacation. One sure sign that no one is home is a pile of uncollected newspapers and an overflowing mailbox. Have a family member or trusted neighbor collect your mail and newspapers while you are away. This will make it seem more like the home is occupied.

#2 Make It Seem Like You're Home: Leaving a light on is a common method for making a home appear occupied. Criminals can be smarter than that, though. If a burglar notices that the same light in a home is on for several days and nights in a row, it can be safely assumed that no one is home. Have someone come to the home daily and open and close blinds or drapes. In addition, have them turn on a different light each night. This will also make the home seem more like it is occupied.

#3 Home Security System: Adding a monitored home security system to your home is not only easy but one of the most efficient ways to prevent would-be burglars. The presence of a home security system is one of the biggest things burglars try to avoid. They increase the chances that the person breaking into your home will get caught.

#4 Motion Sensors: Motion sensitive flood lights are a great option for simple, affordable home security. Mounting a set on the house at the top of the driveway and another set by the front and back doors is a good idea, though creative homeowners can come up with many other locations to place these handy devices.

#5 Keep It Neat: Maintain your home and yard. Trimming bushes and shrubs that are planted beside the home can remove cover, giving the criminals nowhere to hide.

#6 Neighborhood Watch: Join or form a neighborhood watch. This is a great way for neighbors to help each other stay safe and secure. Post neighborhood watch signs throughout the neighborhood and in the yards of residents. Burglars hate nothing more than knowing they are being watched.

#7 Home Security Signs and Stickers: Whether you have a security system or not, you can make the crooks think that you do. Putting a few bright, reflective security signs in your yard and stickers in the windows can help deter any would be criminal. Make sure that you change these signs out on a regular basis to keep them bright and readable.

#8 Locks: Making sure that your doors and windows are securely locked and latched, even when you're home, is a good idea. While a locked door may not prevent a burglary, it definitely makes the entry part harder on the crooks.

Bruce Kelly is a Home Security Specialist with 10+ years of experience configuring and installing home alarms.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Bruce_Kelly